Tuesday, September 22, 2009


わたし はキミ・ニカイドてす。わたしはにほんじんとあめりかじんです。ちちはにほんじんですそしてはははあめりかじんです。ことしコロンビアだいがくでにほんごをべんきょうします。ちちににほんごをならいませんでした。にほんごがすきですが、むずかしいです。せんがっきわたしのせんせいはわたなべせんせいです。こんがっきわたしのせんせいははまだせんせいです。にほんごのクラスはいつもたのしいクラスですから、いつもいきます。


Kimi Nikaidoh said...

When I was six, my mother, brother and I took private lessons from a Japanese language instructor. All I really remember from that series of lessons is reviewing flash cards on animals and colors in a small office. We didn't continue the lessons for long. Over the 22 years since then, I visited Japan several times with my family. Each time, my father has been my only hope at communicating more than "I'm sorry" or "thank you" to friends or relatives who didn't speak English. Each time, I've wished I could speak and understand Japanese. I am excited, now, to finally be learning my father's native language. It's fun to see how quickly certain things can come with lots of practice (katakana and hiragana), although I am daunted by the task of learning kanji. I hope that I will be able to continue learning Japanese even after my language requirement at Columbia has been fulfilled. I would love not only to be able to communicate better with native Japanese-speakers, but also to maybe live in Japan one day.

Aedan said...

ニカイドさんは アメリカじん と にほんじん ですか? ほんとですか? ぼくも アジアじん と アメリカじん です。 ちちは フィリピノ (Filipino) です。 でも、 ぼく ぜんぜん フィリピンス (Philippines) に いきません。 =(